Docthib’s tiny law (ENG)

At a time when many people are making their New Year’s resolutions, and perhaps just as many are deciding to stop making such resolutions (“new year’s resolutions are like a cheque drawn on a bank in which you have no account”, Oscar Wilde), I am trying to keep a resolution I made almost one year ago, i.e. to start a series of blog posts on a new theme.
As usual, I don’t know how often these blog posts will be published, or how extensive the list will be: it’s the beginnings that are the most beautiful, or at any rate, the most exciting.

So what are we going to talk about?
It all starts with an aphorism I concocted around March 2024, which goes like this:

Docthib’s tiny law: “If, for a given product or service, you are looking for a more sustainable or respectful* alternative, while at the same time demanding the same level of quality or confort as before, then you are not a true activist.”

  • sustainable in the sense of sustainable development, sustainability; respectful, in the sense of respectful of the environment or respecting your privacy / personal data.

This aphorism doesn’t come out of nowhere, nor is it purely theoretical: it stems from my personal experiences and observations, with examples that are sometimes important, sometimes trivial, but nonetheless relating to many different fields. And I suspect this law could become a motto for many people.

In the coming weeks, I will be developing these examples. In the meantime, you can question yourself: how does this aphorism speak to you? In other words, to what field / tool / product could you apply this law?

Ce contenu a été publié dans In English, Informatique et Internet, Réflexions, Verts de terre, avec comme mot(s)-clé(s) . Vous pouvez le mettre en favoris avec ce permalien.

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